Cycle Forums

If you’re interested in teaming up with local like-minded people about cycle infrastructure projects and developments in your area, you should investigate whether a Cycle Forum is held by your local council. These may be attended by the likes of councillors, council officers, representatives from organisations such as Sustrans or the Canal and River Trust, as well as by members of the public who have an interest in seeing cycle provision improved.

Of course, your cycling interest doesn’t have to be at an enthusiast level. If you have any sort of bike, want to use it to get about your local area, but feel that the current infrastructure doesn’t allow you to do so, it is important to get your views heard – maybe you’re put off by being forced to use busy and polluted roads, perhaps your existing routes are not accessible to you, maybe you want to cycle with the kids but feel there’s a lack of safe opportunities to do so – the more people who speak up, the stronger the voice and the more likely change will come about.

Nuneaton and Bedworth Cycle Forum

The Nuneaton and Bedworth Cycle Forum is held roughly quarterly and lasts for approximately 1.5-2.5 hours depending on the agenda and attendance. If you live in the area and wish to attend or find out more information, you can find details here.

  • Next meeting: Expected April 2023
  • Last meeting: 25 January 2023, 14:00

Warwickshire has a forum for most of the boroughs and other regions may also have similar arrangements. So, if you live elsewhere, check with your local borough or district council for details of their own forums. If you find one doesn’t exist, why not contact your councillor to investigate the possibility of getting one established?

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